Divine syphoner tft comp
Divine syphoner tft comp

divine syphoner tft comp

⇓ = declined (rated at least one tier lower than the previous patch)Ī+ tier: Exile (⇓), Elderwood (⇑), Dragonsoul (*)ī tier: Warlord (⇓), Divine (⇓), Ninja (⇓)Ĭ tier: Spirit (⇓), Fortune, Enlightened (⇓), Fabled (*)Ī tier: Assassin (⇑), Vanguard (⇑), Mystic (⇓), Sharpshooter, Syphoner, Keeper (⇓)į tier: We break down the best comps of Patch 11.2 based off our TFT tier list. ⇑ = improved (rated at least one tier higher than the previous patch) S tier: Samira (*), Ornn (*), Yone, Swain (*), Sett, Aurelion Sol (*), Pyke (⇑), Zilean, Xayah (*), AzirĪ tier: Sejuani, Aatrox, Olaf (*), Katarina (⇑), Shen (⇓), Yuumi (⇑)ī tier: Shyvana, Talon, Zed, Kayle (*), Morgana (⇓), Cho’Gath (*), Tryndamere (*), Sivir (*), Diana (⇑), Kindred, Lulu (⇑), IreliaĬ tier: Janna, Kalista (⇓), Nasus (*), Jarvan IV (⇑), Yasuo (⇓), Nunu (⇑), Akali, Nautilus (*), Neeko (*)ĭ tier: Veigar (⇓), Braum (*), Nidalee (⇓), Jax (⇓), Darius (*), Garen (⇓), Annie, Brand (*), Maokai (⇑), Teemo (⇓)į tier: Vi (⇓), Kennen (⇓), Tristana (*), Elise, Vladimir (*), Fiora (⇓), Tahm Kench, Twisted Fate, Wukong LEC Summer 2022 Week 3 Day 1: Larssen and Rogue Bounce Back Against Excel!.LEC Summer 2022 Week 3 Day 1: UNF0RGIVEN obliterates G2 with a massive Twitch performance!.LEC Summer 2022 Week 3 Day 2: Odoamne’s Zac Top Carries Rogue Over SK Gaming!.LEC Summer 2022 Week 3 Day 2: MAD Lions throw another early game lead against Misfits….LEC Summer 2022 Week 3 Day 2: Razork jungle diffs Jankos to lead Fnatic past G2!.To clean up against armor heavy foes, this comp also squeezes in the new tier four Mage, Aurelion Sol, who can clean up whatever Xayah leaves alive. Xayah puts out some insane damage and is very hard to kill thanks to her traits and ability that makes her invulnerable. In this comp, players take advantage of Xayah as the comps new ADC. The Elderwood trait traded out a few units which included Ashe and Ezreal but it gained two powerhouses in the form of Xayah and Ornn. Last but not least, the new and improved Elderwood variant.

divine syphoner tft comp

But up to that point, this comp is insane. Katarina can melt entire backlines if she pops off and late-game players will need to hit Kat 3* or some good legendary units to win.

divine syphoner tft comp

The plan of this comp is still very simple. Tryndamere may be good in the future but right now he just doesn’t have his place outside of just being a synergy bot. Even though Warlords received a new carry option with Tryndamere, Katarina is still the comps best carry option. This comp may look very similar to the Warlord comps of old. But even with Spirit Chosen going for four Spirit and four Assassin allows for incredible flexibility in the end game. Assassin chosen is slightly better than Spirit chosen because without an Assassin chosen players cant max out on the Assassin trait without a spatula. Diana NEEDS to be chosen to make this comp work but this comp is fantastic if she is. The most important part is definitely the chosen. In this version of Diana reroll players should elect to surround Diana with the other Spirit units to max out the trait as well as throw in all the Assassins to max out that trait. In Set 4.5 Diana got rid of the Moonlight tag and joined the Spirit Squad.

divine syphoner tft comp

Diana Reroll definitely exists in Set 4.5 however it’s not exactly like it was before. Many players may be familiar with Diana Moonlight reroll in set four. The goal is to stack Talon and watch him clean up with reset after reset. Besides that the comp functions just like it did in set four. Thanks to the introduction of the Syphoner trait, Talon no longer needs to run any sort of healing item as the Syphoner trait gives everyone built-in life steal. One of the most feared comps in the early days of Set 4, Enlightened Talon is back and is better than ever.

Divine syphoner tft comp